
At a time when we think everything can be made visible, how do we know that what we see is true? Satellite imagery has indeed enabled greater... read more »

Die Geschäftsstelle des Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) sucht eine Beschäf­tigte*r in der Ver­wal­tung  – Ent­gelt­gruppe 8 TV-L Ber­li­ner... read more »

ECDF director Gesche Joost will be the new president of the Goethe-Institut. This was decided by the Executive Board of the Goethe-Institut at a... read more »

There was a lot stirring on the streets of Berlin on June 22, 2024: around 30,000 visitors who wanted to get to know Berlin's research mingled with... read more »

The project “Narrative Futures: Panchatantra Fables meet Personal Primer” by ECDF-Professor Daniel Hromada from the Berlin University of the Arts (UDK... read more »

Effective June 1, 2024, Daniel Fürstenau will join Freie Universität Berlin as a Professor of Business Administration in the School of Business &... read more »

Climate crisis, demographic change, consequences of war - our society will be characterized even more by care work in the future. How can we think... read more »

The ECDF and Inria, the French research institute for computer science and automation, are entering into an official partnership to promote and... read more »

The ECDF has a new managing director: Bettina Liedtke has been in charge of the ECDF office at the Robert Koch Forum since May 1, 2024. Bettina... read more »

On 12 March 2024, Philipp Staab accepted the appointment of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin to the permanent professorship "Sociology of Work, Economy... read more »

Applications and Nominations for the Deep Tech Award 2024 can now be submitted. We are looking for application-oriented and tried-and-tested software... read more »

The hospital sector is undergoing a digital transformation. Between 2021 and 2025, the German government is investing 4.3 billion euros in the... read more »


On January 30th, 2024, the concert "Quantum Tunes: Mind and Wiggle" held at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) marked a groundbreaking fusion... read more »

ECDF Professor David Bermbach has accepted an appointment at the Technical University of Berlin as of December 20, 2023. He will head the Scalable... read more »

Andrea Cominola, ECDF-Professor and member of the Board of Directors, receives the 2024 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for the... read more »


The office of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is looking for an employee in administration (events/PR) - pay group 11 TV-L Berlin... read more »

"Dare to know" is the motto of this year's Berlin Science Week. As usual, the international science festival will take place from November 1 to 10,... read more »


In October 2023, the Tagesspiegel chose the 100 most important heads of science in Berlin, who particularly shape the research landscape of the German... read more »

On October 13, 2023, the Einstein Center Digital Future opened its doors for the opening of the art exhibition "Unblackboxing. Artistic investigations... read more »

Digital solution to save water: on September 1, 2023, the new project "iOLE - intelligent Online LEakage detection" started under the leadership of... read more »

Data sufficiency, digital business models, environmental impacts of digital applications - what is the status of the digitalization of the... read more »

Prof. Dr. Florian Tschorsch has accepted the call to the professorship for "Privacy and Security" at the Institute of System Architecture at the... read more »

Transparency is key for successful urban development and participation processes - over the past few years, the BBBlockchain project has used real... read more »

Five more years of digitalization research: The successful evaluation was certainly the biggest milestone in 2022. Beyond that, it was again a... read more »

HEIBRiDS-PhD candidate Ivo Daniel has won the second place award in the Graduate Student Paper Competition at the 2023 World Environmental and Water... read more »


The ECDF has a new managing director: Sina Born has been heading the ECDF office at the Robert Koch Forum since June 1, 2023. Most recently, she was... read more »

The members of the Einstein Center Digital Future have elected a new Board of Directors for a term of two years. The Board of Directors of the ECDF... read more »

From artificial intelligence and the environmental impact of the digital economy to global justice: the digital transformation presents numerous... read more »

Artificial intelligence systems have become an ubiquitous part of our everyday lives. In particular, recent advances have reignited discussions about... read more »

After stops like the Social Science Research Center Berlin and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, the exhibition "Berlin - Capital of Female... read more »

Dr. Berit Greinke has been appointed professor at the Berlin University of the Arts. She thus takes up the first tenured professorship to emerge from... read more »

Examples of how exciting STEM disciplines are in everyday life, contact with professional role models and exchanges with female politicians were all... read more »

In this second funding phase, the more than 30 ECDF professors will conduct future research on the new focus areas of "Integrated Health,"... read more »


The Einstein Center Digital Future is looking for a new managing director at the earliest on 01.04.2023. Application deadline is March 10, 2023. The... read more »

This year, the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Labor is once again presenting the Deep Tech Award. For the eighth time in a row,... read more »

In the current ranking of business administration researchers by WirtschaftsWoche, ECDF professor Timm Teubner repeatedly performs well: In the... read more »

Prof. Dr. Heinz Pampel is concerned with the role of digital research and information structures in science in the context of the digital... read more »

Data about research and researchers has become an integral part of the scientific publication process: when searching for literature, researchers... read more »

Starting today, 50 students are hacking again at ECDF for sustainable cities: From November 30 to December 2, 2022, the ide3a Smart City Hackathon... read more »

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection is commissioning a consortium of leading German technology companies and... read more »

Changes are necessary to implement the energy transition, including the transition from a centralized to a decentralized energy system:  On October... read more »

Making music together in different places - The new artistic project Interwoven Sound Spaces explores possibilities of telematic music performances... read more »

Higher, further, faster - climate change, inequality, and the exhaustion of the self are putting the brakes on the belief that tomorrow's world will... read more »

In the second paper of the ECDF Working Paper Series "Changing the Nature of 'Things'", authors Tomas Diez and Stephanie Hankey argue for a complex... read more »

The Internet of Things connects everyday objects ­– smartphones with Bluetooth speakers and smartwatches – but also networks medical devices with each... read more »

After four years, the 2nd Bits & Bäume international conference on digitalization and sustainability takes place from 30 September to 2 October 2022... read more »

Detecting multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, stroke or cardiovascular diseases in the retina of the eye and observing them as they progress -... read more »

New professors, hands-on interdisciplinary research at Wissensstadt Berlin and the submission of the evaluation report - the year 2021 offered... read more »

In a joint study by researchers from Aachen and Berlin, including ECDF Professor Rita Streblow (TU Berlin), the scientists evaluate easy-to-implement... read more »

After three years as ECDF Professor of Information Management at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu... read more »

In a digital walk-through in February 2022, professors and board members had presented the research at the ECDF and their visions for the next... read more »

The Social Data Science Collaboration between Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner, Professor at TU Berlin and ECDF, and Fabian Braesemann from the Oxford Internet... read more »

Almost exactly one year after the flood disaster at the river Ahr in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, the event as well as the future... read more »

How can water consumption be reduced with digital solutions? How can heart disease be better detected using digital technologies? These and other... read more »


The Future-IoT PhD School celebrates its 5th anniversary this year and invites you to the Einstein Center Digital Future with the theme "IoT meets... read more »

This year, the Bits & Bäume Conference will take place in Berlin from September 30 to October 2, 2022. In addition to the Einstein Center Digital... read more »

Open the tap, march the water: Drinking water is the most important basic food. Water supply networks ensure that consumers are continuously supplied... read more »

  Dr. Thomas Ramge, non-fiction author and science journalist, has become an Associate Member at ECDF in April 2022. He researches and writes on the... read more »

Every year, Femtec Alumnae e.V. awards the FTAfelicitas Prize to accelerate the advancement of women in STEM professions and send a signal that women... read more »


Whether transformation of the working world, cryptocurrency or electronic textiles - Digitalization affects almost all areas of our society. The ECDF... read more »

The ECDF project "SimRa" (Safety in Cycling) has won the German Cycling Award 2022. Prof. Dr. David Bermbach accepted the award at a digital award... read more »

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer limited to technical areas. In ECDF professor Elisabeth Mayweg's AI-SKILLS project, students from... read more »

New professorship on Digital Implantology: On December 1, 2021, Dr. Andreas Schwitalla follows the call of Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and... read more »

As a society, we are generating an ever-expanding amount of data. From historical collections and government archives to vital scientific research,... read more »

The graduate program Helmholtz Einstein International Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS) has announced eight additional fellowships for PhD... read more »

Our everyday life is increasingly characterized by intelligent technical systems and products. The development of these complex systems is a joint... read more »

ECDF-professor Max von Grafenstein (University of the Arts Berlin) is a scientific supervisor at freemove, a transdisciplinary project exploring... read more »

ECDF board member Gesche Joost was elected as a member of the Goethe-Institut's Presidium at the end of November. The term of office of the new... read more »

Prof. Dr. Agathe Merceron is a new member of the board of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). Since August 2021, the professor of computer... read more »

Major interdisciplinary research projects, international conferences, regional events - all this was planned for 2020, but much had to be cancelled,... read more »

Sustainable, digital transformation - can it succeed? In the second edition of the new ECDF format "One Room - Four Perspectives" on October 28, 2021,... read more »

Since May 2019, the Digital Council has been supporting the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) in its digital transformation. June 2021 saw the start... read more »

Streaming services, video calls, cryptocurrency - the digital transformation is in full swing and affects everyone in all areas of life. In the second... read more »

Within the international Politics of the Machines conference series – following Copenhagen (2018) and Beirut (2019), the third POM conference took... read more »

Whether robot vacuums or robot lawn mowers - the first automated helpers have long since arrived in German households. With the increasing... read more »

After four years as ECDF Professor for "Digital Transformation and Strategic Information Management" at the Einstein Center Digital Future and Freie... read more »

To enable the quantum internet, researchers at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), the DLR Institute for Optical Sensor Systems (DLR-OS),... read more »

Science for everyone - this was the motto under which the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) presented itself in the past weeks at Knowledge City... read more »

Current developments in digitization from different perspectives - this is what the new event series "One Room - Four Perspectives" of the Einstein... read more »

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities, which are still largely analog, to rethink their teaching practices: "The Covid situation was... read more »

Every year, the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (RAS) recognizes distinguished service as Outstanding Associate Editors and Reviewers for their... read more »

ECDF-professor Guillermo Gallego (TU Berlin) was one of the organizers of the latest workshop on event-based vision, a technology which allows... read more »

During their three-day state visit to Berlin on July 7, 2021, the Dutch royal couple learned about the topic of "photonics" at TU Berlin. Together... read more »

Tunisia wants to combat the country's high unemployment rate with a digital strategy. But which digital skills are actually in demand on the Tunisian... read more »

Science for everyone, to participate and touch - "Knowledge City Berlin 2021" tells the story of research, knowledge and coexistence in the capital.... read more »

What could a digital strategy for Berlin look like? On May 25, together with the Senate Department for Economic Affairs and Energy and (inter)national... read more »

On May 07, 2021, Prof. Tom Brown was unanimously appointed Principal Investigator (PI) by the Board of the Einstein Center Digital Future. Tom Brown... read more »

On June 18, scientists invite students to look directly at their fields of research. Together with other young people, students will explore a variety... read more »

How can digitalization be shaped in a way that nurtures common goods and respects planetary boundaries? At the International Symposium “European... read more »

Under the leadership of researchers from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, scientists and teachers from 9 countries have developed and tested open... read more »

In March, Maik Hesse successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the topic of trust, reputation and data sovereignty in the digital platform economy.... read more »

More flexible working hours, work locations, working methods - for some, this has quickly become part of everyday life with the onset of the Corona... read more »

Digital applications and technology are already an integral part of diagnostics, therapy and communication between doctors and patients in the... read more »

What might the opera of the future look like? What potential lies in digitization? What role does artificial intelligence (AI) play? These are the... read more »


Following an attack on various IT systems at TU Berlin on the morning of April 30, 2021, the servers of the centrally managed Windows environment were... read more »

On March 10, 2021, Prof. Dr. Lars Gerhold was unanimously appointed Principal Investigator by the Board of the Einstein Center Digital Future. As a... read more »

In the Berlin area, many cyclists have already registered with SimRa. Now, Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk (SWR) is launching a major campaign: cyclists... read more »

Neutral data and objective information are supposed to enable us to understand the past and shape the future. But can data and information really be... read more »

ECDF Professor Philipp Staab has been awarded the Hans Matthöfer Prize for Economic Publishing for his book "Digitaler Kapitalismus - Markt und... read more »

A solution to pressing sustainability challenges? Or an impediment to the socio-ecological transformation? The impact of digitalization on... read more »

The Transregional Collaborative Research Center 190 (SFB/TRR 190) "Rationality and Competition" will receive funding from the German Research... read more »

New professorship on the digitalization of industry: On March 1, 2021, Dr.-Ing. Lydia Kaiser will follow the call of the Technical University of... read more »

The paper When Privacy Protection Meets Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring: Trade-off Analysis and Privacy Schemes via Residential Energy Storage",... read more »

ECDF Professor Anastasia Danilov has joined the faculty of the Berlin School of Economics (BSE). "The BSE has an excellent program for PhD students, I... read more »

Almost two years ago, ECDF professor Timm Teubner was appointed by Federal Minister Franziska Giffey to the expert commission on the German... read more »

Will artificial intelligence (AI) completely transform the world of work as we know it today? This and other questions were addressed at the sixth... read more »


In a recent survey, ECDF professor Anastasia Danilov (Humboldt University of Berlin), together with Dr. Marina Chugunova (Max Planck Institute for... read more »

Heat, drought, then again extreme precipitation - the last few years have presented Berlin with a variety of water-related challenges. At the "Berlin... read more »

Zoom meetings, online conferences, virtual hackathons: since the beginning of the Corona Pandemic, digital formats have taken up the majority of... read more »

At the beginning of the year, Professor Dr. Dr. Felix Balzer took over a lifetime W3 professorship in Medical Data Science at Charité -... read more »

In the current business administration researcher ranking of WirtschaftsWoche, ECDF professor Timm Teubner does score well twice: Among researchers in... read more »

Usually, the Future Security Lab at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) offers hands-on research: Current research results on civil security are... read more »

Prof. Dr. Daniel Hromada has been awarded one of four Senior Fellowships for "Innovation in University Teaching" by the Stifterverband. The ECDF... read more »

As part of the project ‘Pleated Electronic Textiles’, ECDF-Prof. Berit Greinke and the Wearable Computing team at Berlin University of the... read more »

On January 25 and 26, 2021, the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) in cooperation with the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and... read more »

Prof. Dr. Odej Kao, Spokesman of the Board of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), has been appointed to the new State Advisory Board for... read more »

The paper “Understanding the Affordances of Conversational Agents in Mental Mobile Health Services” written by ECDF- Professor Christian Meske, Ireti... read more »

Ayad Al-Ani about utopias and Covid teachings From e-learning to tracing apps: All over the world there have been and still are many different... read more »

Mock Drop/TU Berlin

Aerosols loaded with SARS-CoV-2 are believed to contribute significantly to the spread of the corona pandemic. With the addition of L for ventilation... read more »

"1 City– Countless Challenges – 3 Institutions of Digitalization Research – Many Opportunities": Under this motto, the Einstein Center Digital Future... read more »

We would like to draw your attention to the Data Feminism Workshop, which is hosted by ECDF Prof. Rebecca Frank in the upcoming WS 2020/21. Following... read more »

The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and its flagship... read more »

Writing the 2019 Annual Report in times of social distancing was a special situation for us. At the same time, it was exciting to see what our... read more »

Foto: Alex Börner

An orchestra conductor’s motion constitutes a distinctive form of non-verbal communication, combining standardised instructions with personal... read more »

"How to become a Data Scientist (in 3 steps)" is the title of the first lecture of the series of lectures "Digital Future" in the winter semester... read more »


We would like to draw your attention to the hackathon on "Gender Equality in the Workplace", which is co-organized by ECDF Associate Prof. Janina... read more »

To support the networking of all projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) in the Research Field Energy in Buildings and... read more »

When COVID-19 hit Europe in Spring 2020, it had massive impact on our daily life. Nearly all European countries implemented quarantine and... read more »

Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to contribute to climate and environmental protection. With the initiative "AI Lighthouses for the... read more »

After more than three years as Assistant Professor for "Internet of Things for Smart Buildings" at Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and... read more »

In the framework of the DAAD Conference “Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education”, the Berlin Center for Global... read more »

The Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, has set up a Smart City Strategy Advisory Board and named its members – including ECDF Professor Jochen... read more »


Many of us use AI systems every day. Especially when using Assistive Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particularly responsible professions such as... read more »

The international research team "Leakbusters" has won 3rd place in the BattLeDIM 2020, an international competition on leakage detection and... read more »

Whether Uber, Deliveroo or Airbnb – in the gig economy, these online platforms are used to contract out orders at short notice to self-employed or... read more »

How do AI technologies affect politics, economy and science as well as the German economic structure? These and other questions are explored in the... read more »

The SimRa research project published the first results for Berlin in August 2020. Since the start of the project, 18,350 trips have been recorded and... read more »

We would like to draw your attention to the following webinar, at which our ECDF Professor Dr. Helena Mihaljević will also speak. Measuring and... read more »

Tilman Santarius is certain that digital change must be socially and climate-friendly. In his podcast, the Professor of Social-Ecological... read more »

In collaboration with Africa Open Science & Hardware (Gameli Adzaho) and the Weizenbaum Institute, and in dialogue with the GIZ Togo and Ghana, our... read more »

The Stadtmanufaktur, an initiative founded by ECDF Professor Jochen Rabe, among others, together with the Technical University of Berlin and the... read more »

How far has the transformation to digital processes in companies already progressed? What advantages and disadvantages result from this and, above... read more »

Corona has shown how vulnerable our health systems are to crises. Nursing in particular is doing an enormous amount of work here. Help us to make our... read more »

Does the corona pandemic have an impact on users' attitudes towards smart home devices? ECDF Professor Rita Streblow is currently investigating this... read more »

Prof. Dr. Juliane Siegeris is a new member of the Executive Board of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). The professor of software engineering... read more »

A large part of the population is currently making their first experiences with mouth and nose protection masks. For hospital and nursing staff, these... read more »


Prof. Dr. Stefan Kirchner (ECDF) and Elke Schüßler took a close look at the principle of Sharing Economy. In their article "Regulating the Sharing... read more »

Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner (ECDF) and Antje Graul have investigated how references to travel platforms via only a few available accommodations affect the... read more »


Due to the overall situation created by the coronavirus, no events will take place at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) until July 20, 2020,... read more »

Professor Jochen Rabe – currently Professor for Urban Resilience and Digitization at the Berlin Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) – will be the... read more »

What emotions does a humanoid robot trigger in humans? A research team headed by ECDF Professor Daniel Fürstenau (FU Berlin) is currently... read more »

The initiative "Women in STEAM" by the researchers of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) has been successfully launched. About 50 guests... read more »

Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner from the Einstein Center Digital Future and Fabian Braesemann from the Oxford Internet Institute have initiated the new Social... read more »

The graduate program HEIBRiDS (Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science) offers ten fully funded doctoral fellowships... read more »

Prof. Dr. Christian Meske together with Niklas Kühl from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Jodie Lobana from McMaster University... read more »

Prof. Dr. Guillermo Gallego from Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and Technische Universität Berlin has been elevated to the grade of Senior... read more »


The research project "SimRa – Safety in Cycling" by ECDF Professor David Bermbach continues to grow: Cyclists inside five new partner regions can now... read more »

The Forschungsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit celebrated its tenth anniversary at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) on November 25, 2019. The... read more »

Today, the Demo Day of F-LANE, the Vodafone Institute Accelerator for Female Empowerment together with Impact Hub Berlin and the Social... read more »

How can a robot inspire bank customers for innovative ideas? How can artificial intelligence be used meaningfully in this context? Since October 2019,... read more »

The strategic "StadtManufaktur" project of the Technischen Universität Berlin will be financed with 250,000 euros from the "CityLAB Berlin" funding... read more »

copyright: phase one photography

Leaders in culture, politics, academia and industry from 23 countries met on November 8 – 9, 2019 in Berlin for the World Frontiers Forum (WFF) –... read more »

How can bots be used meaningfully in university teaching or in companies? Can artificial intelligence be sustainable? These and many other questions... read more »

“Flowmetrics” developed a solution for a dynamic urban flood flow management for cities. With this idea the team won the Challenge of the Einstein... read more »

The internationalization of Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) moves forward: The five new professors Emmanuel Baccelli, Michelle Christensen,... read more »

Autonomes Fahren soll den Arbeitsweg angenehmer, datenbasierte Verbrechensvorhersagen Städte sicherer, intelligente Spracherkennung das Erlernen von... read more »

Every year, 100 million people worldwide are pushed into extreme poverty. The reason is their lack of protection against the financial dangers that... read more »

The Graduate Program Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS) has published a new call for proposals for... read more »

Whether car sharing, rental bikes or taxi apps – the networked mobility processes numerous user* data. Prof. Dr. Max von Grafenstein, Timo Jakobi, Jan... read more »

As part of the Ein­stein Cen­ter Digital Future Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin, Fac­ulty V - Mech­an­ical Engin­eer­ing and Trans­port Sys­tems -... read more »

On October 25, 2019 people from all over the world will meet for the Climathon. During the 24-hour climate hackathon, they will work together on new,... read more »

Leading digital companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Alibaba are currently increasingly focusing on expansion in the area of enterprise... read more »

Even if accidents don't always happen, dicey situations are not uncommon for most cyclists in Berlin. The research project "SimRa – Safety in Cycling"... read more »

Even if accidents don't always happen, dicey situations are not uncommon for most cyclists in Berlin. The research project "SimRa - Safety in Cycling"... read more »

The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) has made an impressive start in the two years since its opening: Highly qualified and competent professors... read more »

Accident black spots, traffic density, main routes: Students of the Mobile Cloud Computing department of the TU Berlin have analyzed and evaluated the... read more »

67% of people in Germany think that politicians should establish clearer boundaries for large digital companies, a survey by the Friedrich Ebert... read more »

"Open Education for a Digital Society" is the title of the event, which will take place on June 26, 2019 at the Einstein Center Digital Future. With... read more »

Prof. Dr. David Bermbach and his team presented their project "SimRa - Safety in Cycling" at the Long Night of Science in the Einstein Center Digital... read more »

Around 300 guests visited the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) during the Long Night of the Sciences (LNDW) 2019. In the House of Digitalization,... read more »

The research project "SimRa – Safety" in bicycle traffic will be presented on June 15, 2019 at the Long Night of the Sciences (LNDW) at the Einstein... read more »

New strategies for communicating art and culture in a digitalized world will be the focus of the symposium "Revisiting Collections" on June 4 and 5 at... read more »


Now even more cyclists can participate in the Citizen Science project "SimRa". The app developed as part of the research project is now also publicly... read more »

The Berlin Open Lab opened on Tuesday, 28 May 2019: The lab is a new place for digital research at the interfaces between experimental design,... read more »

Whether shopping online, keeping on top of what’s happening in the world or booking their next trip, users have their personal data processed each... read more »

Federal Minister for Women's Affairs Dr. Franziska Giffey has appointed Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner to the Expert Commission for the Third Equality Report... read more »

Whether it’s electronic textiles, cybercrime, AI-based procedures in medicine or road safety for cyclists, scientists from various disciplines conduct... read more »

The developers of the research project "SimRa" are happy to announce that their app is now publicly available in the Google Playstore. The first... read more »

Regardless of the type of surgery – hip replacement, bone-fracture treatment or tissue removal – patients older than 65 are especially prone to... read more »

Professor Dr. Helena Mihaljević (ECDF/HTW Berlin) is part of the “Gender Gap in Science” initiative. On February 18 – 19, 2019 she organized a... read more »

With its establishment of four new professorships, the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is bringing together the most diverse disciplines and... read more »

From 2017 to 2018, the number of cyclists killed on Berlin’s roads increased from nine to eleven. Passionate cyclist Professor Dr. David Bermbach... read more »

Das Future Security Lab (Zukunftslabor Sicherheit) im Einstein Center Digital Future ist eröffnet. Im Rahmen einer gemeinsamen Sitzung des... read more »

During the Hackathon "Urban Data - Mind the Gap" in the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), students developed ideas on how residential districts... read more »

The Helmholtz Einstein International Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS) invites applications of PhD candidates for fellowships in the research... read more »

Rita Süssmuth is the new Ambassador of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). At the New Year's reception of the interdisciplinary research... read more »

How can neighborhoods in Berlin be further developed? What role does public transport play in this? Three professors of the Einstein Center Digital... read more »

The first 13 PhD students of the Graduate School Helmholtz Einstein Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS) have started their research... read more »

The Scientific Advisory Board of the ECDF has two new members since November 9, 2018. Prof. Dr. Juliane Fluck is professor for "Intelligent... read more »

New impulse for digitalization research: Berlin's universities have started the new winter semester with five additional professorships at the... read more »

Fascinating and entertaining insights at the Pairing Research Talks: Five professors of the Einstein Center Digital Future discussed their research... read more »

Research, hands-on: The Civil Future Security Lab informatively and innovatively showcases recent work under the BMBF framework program on Research... read more »

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adam Wolisz has been a Fellow at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) since October 2018. He was born in 1950 in Gliwice, Poland.... read more »

Newly appointed: Professors research in the field of digital education, electronic textiles, digital communication and data read more »

Professor Dr. Steffen Augsberg is looking ‘with cautious optimism’ towards the digital future. The Professor of Public Law at Justus Liebig University... read more »

The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is pleased to announce another stage in its growth: three more professors have been appointed to positions... read more »