After four years, the 2ndBits & Bäume international conference on digitalization and sustainability takes place from 30 September to 2 October 2022 at the TU Berlin. Just in time, we are pleased to announce the launch of the report Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation. This report argues that digitalization, in its current and mainstream form, is rather aggravating than solving many of the pressing social and environmental crises and shows how to reconceptualize digitalization so that it can support the quest for a deep sustainability transformation. It is the outcome of the project ‘Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue’ (D4S), a two-year scientific dialogue amongst 15 European experts.
The launch takes place on September 30th, 12.30-14.00 CET at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) Berlin. Alternatively, you can join a live stream. We cordially invite you the launch event to learn more about and discuss the main findings of the report with the leading authors as well as other members of the expert panel.
You can find more information about the event and registration here.
//About the report:
Time seems out of joint. The world society has experienced a centennial pandemic, the global thermometer has displayed a sequence of hottest years on record, and Russia’s war on Ukraine has shattered political order. Unsurprisingly, the economy is severely affected.e economy is s
Governments worldwide hope that digital technologies can provide key solutions. Yet, we argue, digitalization, in its current and mainstream form, is rather aggravating than solving many of the problems at hand. What is needed instead is a deep sustainability transformation that fundamentally reorganizes the economy and all its sectors.
Our report shows how digitalization can support the quest for such a deep sustainability transformation. It dives into the sectors agriculture, mobility, energy, consumption, industry and buildings and presents specific policies that can redress the risks and support the opportunities of digital technologies for the transformation. Moreover, the report provides a blueprint for the European Union on how to reconceptualize governance of digital services, data, artificial intelligence as well as business models so that digitalization contributes to achieving carbon neutrality, resource autonomy and economic resilience.