News in detail

ECDF affected by attack on IT systems at TU Berlin

Following an attack on various IT systems at TU Berlin on the morning of April 30, 2021, the servers of the centrally managed Windows environment were shut down as a precautionary measure for security reasons. The restrictions also affect the ECDF.

Services such as WLAN, sending/receiving e-mails, using tubCloud, the TU portal (tuPort) and the VPN client or SAP applications are currently not available to members of the university. 

An estimate of the effort and duration of the current and further restrictions are currently not yet possible.

The ECDF office can currently only be reached by phone. All phone numbers can be found //here. 

The TU Press Office informs continuously on the TU homepage.


Update 17.05.2021

Since the end of last week, the temprorary email service by the TU Berlin is available and the staff and professors of the ECDF are now reachable via their regular email again.