
Workshop: "Research data publications between dynamics and persistence"

On June 28, 2024, a workshop on research data will take place as part of the project "PID reference model for versioning research data". The project is led by ECDF Professor Heinz Pampel. The goal of the workshop is to discuss current issues surrounding the development of an interdisciplinary reference model for capturing research data in the context of research information and the scientific traceability of published research results, with the specific use case of versioning research data.

The workshop's target audience includes researchers and professionals in academic institutions in the fields of research data management, publication management, and research information from the fields of science, libraries, data centers, and administration. The workshop is designed for 60 participants.

The project "PID Reference Model for the Versioning of Research Data" at the Chair of Information Management at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science (IBI) at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin focuses on the versioning of research data publications in the context of ongoing discussions about the reform of research evaluation from an infrastructural perspective. The project operates in the tension between the dynamics of digital research processes and the associated research data on one side, and the necessity of persistence in research-supporting information infrastructures on the other side. Although the citation of research data - addressed in the sense of FAIR principles with persistent identifiers (PIDs) - is now conceptually established in some scientific communities, challenges continue to arise in the infrastructural practice of repositories, journals, and their practices, policies, and standards. These challenges become particularly evident when considering research performance in the context of Open Science.

Research is dynamic, and the resulting data can also be dynamic. This dynamic nature of versioning research data raises various questions for stakeholders in information management at academic institutions and their libraries and data centers. For example, when dynamic research data are published in repositories, questions arise about capturing these datasets in the realm of publication management and documentation of research information. While the attribution of research performance in the publication of dynamic datasets is to be ensured, questions arise about the practices in capturing these datasets. The project addresses this tension in the dynamics of data and the persistence of infrastructure.

Hashtag: #PIDsBUA 

Program and Registration //here

The venue is barrier-free accessible.