The GI Section NETSEC invites you to the Theme Day: Secure Hardware on Friday, October 25, 2019, from 1 pm to 5 pm at the Einstein Center Digital Future, Robert-Koch-Forum, Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin.
At the last event, the group dealt with the fact that more and more virtual and physical objects are networked with each other in all areas of our living and working world. This networking is based on a modern and secure (network) infrastructure. The focus of our second theme day is on the hardware required for such infrastructures. The event begins with presentations on secure systems for reliable digitalization, measurement systems for critical infrastructure, and fingerprinting of CAN buses. This will be followed by short presentations on current research highlights. Finally, there will be an opportunity for exchange, discussion and networking.
A detailed program is available //here.
Participation is free of charge. Please register.