
Symposium on the role of technology in sustainable business

On 10th September, 2024 at 11:45 a.m. Tilman Santarius, professor at the Technische Universität Berlin and ECDF, will give a keynote speech on the role of technologies for sustainable business in Siegen. 

Technology is crucial in shaping socioeconomic and environmental outcomes, both at the regional and the global level. Be it large language models, renewable energy, grid infrastructures, virtual reality, self-driving cars, or carbon capture and storage - technology is changing us and the economic systems we live in. But is technology the cause or solution to sustainability problems? On the one hand, the constant introduction of new technologies that promise wealth and well-being has created a consumer society with an increasing ecological footprint. On the other hand, sustainable business is hardly imaginable without new technologies. Concepts for sustainable mobility, energy, food or housing systems all require new or different technologies in some form. 

This question will be discussed at this symposium on plural economics and human-computer interaction in Siegen. The challenge is to design resource-efficient and circular technology that goes hand in hand with a socially and environmentally just and sufficient mode of living. This requires redesigning the development, production, and use of technologies in a way that considers the needs of current and future generations and the planetary boundaries. The one-day event addresses researchers and students, business practitioners, civil society stakeholders, and policy-makers interested in the intersection between technology and sustainability.

The program and registration options can be found //here