
Online Workshop: Monitoring of Research Data Publications

On Nov. 30, 2023, a workshop on monitoring research data publications will be held from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. via Zoom. The workshop will be led by ECDF Professor Dr. Heinz Pampel and is aimed at professionals in scientific institutions in the fields of research data management, publication management, and research information from academia, libraries, data centers, and administration.

The workshop will cover the following main topics:

  1. Challenges: Current challenges in monitoring research data publications will be considered and hurdles identified.
  2. Solution approaches: Best practice examples and field reports will be used to present and discuss successful approaches to monitoring research data publications in the context of scientific information management. Best practices for identification, standardization and citation will be considered.
  3. Networking: The workshop offers the opportunity to exchange ideas and concepts and to develop further activities and perspectives on the topic.

Further info and registration can be found //here.