
Inria-ECDF Partnership Kick-Off Workshop

Inria and the Einstein Center Digital Future have joined in a partnership with the goal of fostering scientific exchanges between the two institutions and developing joint research projects in several fields related to digital sciences in the Berlin-Potsdam area. The kick-off event launching the collaboration is planned June 5th-7th, 2024 at the Robert-Koch-Forum, Wilhelmstraße 67, Berlin Germany.

This kick off event will include institutional exchanges and a scientific workshop (scientific topics include so far digital health, applied mathematics, IoT and open science). 

Registrations are now open:

Please note that the workshop is free and open to everyone but registration is mandatory.


June 5th 

6PM-9PM: Official kick-off (Welcome addresses and finger food)

June 6th 

9AM-12AM:  Digital Health (Workshop Session 1)     
Prof. Dr. Tabea Flügge – Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin/ ECDF – Imaging and Image Analysis of the Craniofacial Region
Phililipe Gesnouin – e-Health Program Director @ Inria – tbc
Dr. Olivier Colliot – Head of ARAMIS team @Inria / Research Director @CNRS – Reproducibility and trustworthiness in medical AI research
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Leonid Goubergrits – Deutsches Herzzentrum der Charité / ECDF- Modelling approaches to accelerate development and certification of novel medical devices
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schäffter – Head of the Berlin Institute of Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), TU Berlin – Title tbs        

2PM-5PM:  Digital Humanities, Open Science & Infrastructures (Workshop Session 2)
Prof. Dr. Laurent Romary – Director of Scientific Culture and Information @ Inria – Open science policies and infrastructures: fostering cross-border collaborations
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Geyken and Axel Herold – Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities- Title tbs
Prof. Dr. Andreas Witt – Leibniz Institute for the German Language – Text+: An Infrastructure for Language Data within the German NFDI
Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm – DFKI and HU Berlin – Selected Infrastructure Activities around Language Data at DFKI
Dr. Stephan Grumbach and Sébastien Grappe – Inria – Measuring futurability 
Dr. Toma Tasovac – President of the DARIAH Board of Directors- Why Open Science Needs Research Infrastructures and Vice Versa: The Case of DARIAH

June 7th 

9AM-12AM:  Applied Mathematics (Workshop Session 3)  
Dr. Wei Zhang
 – Freie Universität Berlin – Deep-learning techniques for identifying collective variables of molecular dynamics
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Patricio Farrell –Weierstrass Institute – Charge transport in perovskites solar cells: modeling, analysis and simulations
Prof. Dr. Myfanwy Evans – Institut für Mathematik Potsdam – Master Program cooperation between Potsdam and Rennes
Prof. Dr. Christophe Biernacki – Deputy scientific director @ Inria for Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation – Applied Mathematics @ Inria     
2PM-5PM: Internet of Things & Cybersecurity (Workshop Session 4)      

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Smith – Inria – Compact Asymmetric Cryptography with High Assurance for Constrained Applications (CACHAÇA)
Dr. Franziskus Kiefer – Cryspen – Secure Software with Formal Guarantees using Hax
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Baccelli – Inria / ECDF – DevOps & Longer-term Security for Low-power IoT (RIOT-rs)
Prof. Dr. Marian Margraf– Fraunhofer AISEC – Post-Quantum Cryptography         

5PM: Closing Remarks