
Keynote speeches at the Berlin Energy Days by ECDF Professor Rita Streblow

ECDF Professor Rita Streblow will present research results from both her Berlin and Aachen research groups at the Berlin Energy Days on May 15, 2024. There will be keynote speeches by Rita Streblow in the event “Heat pump as part of the digitized building – challenges and opportunities in implementation” and another keynote speech in the event “Mission research transfer: Energy research in the district – blueprint for accelerated transfer. Local energy systems, the neighborhood as the key to the energy transition mission!” As a key technology in the heating transition, heat pumps are becoming standard technology in boiler rooms and, together with other technologies, offer a wide range of possibilities in a digitalized building. Linking with integrated energy management systems can significantly increase efficient operation and reduce costs for consumers. The specialist event organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection highlights, among other things, the following questions:

• What role does the heat pump play in the digital building?

• What technical possibilities exist in combination with other technologies such as PV/PVT, smart meters, charging stations and storage?

• What challenges exist for widespread implementation?

Heat and energy planning in neighborhoods and their implementation on site are crucial measures for achieving climate protection goals in Germany. Local actors work together in the district and develop strategies and measures to reduce consumption, increase energy efficiency and use renewable energies, taking an integrated look at buildings, consumption habits and digital and technical infrastructures.

Further information about both event blocks can be found at the following link: