
Erstsemesterbegrüßung: Mein Prof ist ein DJ

© Unsplash/Garv Chaplot

Four academics of the TU Berlin on the turntables will create a great atmosphere after the official first semester welcome. Among them are: Prof. Dr. Geraldine Rauch, President of the TU Berlin, Dr. Martin S. Haase, University Lecturer in the Department of Civil, Commercial, Corporate and Innovation Law, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lydia Kaiser, Professor for "Digital Engineering 4.0." at the ECDF, and Christian Schröder, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, Teacher Education and Continuing Education. Beforehand, the spontaneously assembled TU band invites you to sing along. 

Time: after the official first semester welcome, probably at 6:30 p.m.
Place: Audimaxfoyer in the main building of the TU Berlin (in front of Audimax, room H0105), Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
