Together with InfraLab Berlin, the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is organizing the ECDF Industry Forum #4 on "Data Sharing". The Industry Forum is aimed at the ECDF's partner internal network.
Date: 31 October 2019
Time: 15 o'clock
Venue: Einstein Center Digital Future, Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin, Germany
At this event, ECDF and InfraLab Berlin would like to develop a vision for collaborations in the field of data sharing together with the participants.
„Data sharing is the new normal. Reality check from a Vattenfall perspective“
Erik Burow, Director IT and Digitalization, Vattenfall Wärme AG
„Metrologie für Vertrauen in Daten und Algorithmen“
Dr. Sascha Eichstädt, Präsidialer Stab/Koordination Digitalisierung, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
„Jelbi: die Mobilitätsallianz für Berlin“
Dr. Henry Widera, Head of Digitalization Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe
„Electrical drives as intelligent sensors for their environment“
Dr. Gerhard Heinemann, Digital Industries, Siemens AG
Registration at until October 25, 2019.