The consequences of climate change and their mitigation also raise ethical questions, which the Ethics Council has also been addressing recently. On February 23, 2023, the German Ethics Council will therefore hold a Public Hearing on the topic of "Justice and Responsibility in the Face of Climate Change", at which ECDF Professor Philipp Staab will give a statement. In addition to Philipp Staab, other experts on the various aspects of climate change will be on hand to discuss the following questions, among others:
What is the basis of human responsibility to take climate action?
Is the focus here on responsibility towards other people or towards nature? What justice issues are affected by climate change?
How does climate change affect existing global injustice, and how can the burdens of combating it be distributed equitably against this background (e.g., burden-sharing according to historical cumulative greenhouse gas emissions or according to current contributions to population growth)?
The event begins at 1 p.m. and will be live-streamed. The detailed program and access to the livestream is available //here.