The publishing house for Berlin-Brandenburg will present the new book "Einsteins Berlin" by Prof. Dr. Dieter Hoffmann at the Einstein Center Digital Future on April 1, 2019, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The historian from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science talks to publisher André Förster about Albert Einstein. The probably most important physicist of the 20th century worked in Berlin for almost two decades. These years marked the climax of his scientific and social recognition – but they were also a time of increasing political tension. What attracted Einstein to the Spree and kept him in the city for such a long time? What could have happened to Einstein if the Nazis (and many others) had not expelled him in 1933? And when can the next Berlin Nobel Prize winner be expected? These and other questions about genius and committed scientists will be discussed in the immediate vicinity of one of his former places of work. Registration for the event is required by e-mail at: //more information