Prof. Dr. Joachim Seifert

Digital Networking of Buildings, Energy Supply Systems and Users

From December 2019 to December 2022 Prof. Dr. Ing. habil. Joachim Seifert was a professor at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and Technische Universität Berlin. Together with Prof. Dr. Rita Streblow, he held the visiting professorship for "Digital Networking of Buildings, Energy Supply Systems and Users". Since 2018 he is speaker of the National 5G Engergy Hub.

Joachim Seifert studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Dresden, specializing in technical building services. Since 2001 he has been a research assistant at TU Dresden, first at the Institute of Thermodynamics and Building Services Engineering and later at the Institute of Energy Technology. In 2005 Prof. Seifert received his doctorate on the topic "On the influence of air flows on the thermal and aerodynamic conditions in and on buildings". In the course of his doctorate he worked at the TU Dresden, Alborg University and the University of Hong Kong (SAR). In 2009 Prof. Seifert habilitated. Since 2010, he is head of the department of building energy technology at the TU Dresden.

Prof. Seifert's main areas of work are aspects of human thermal physiology and human-technology interaction. In his main research area Prof. Seifert deals with the networking of energy systems with a special focus on thermal and electrical systems (regional virtual power plants).

So far Prof. Seifert has written more than seven books and was editor-in-chief and publisher of the journal "Gebäudeenergietechnik und Innenraumklima" until 2019. In addition, Prof. Seifert is active in various committees and technical committees in the field of energy technology.