Is the German scientific landscape a strong driver for open science? On February 4, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., this question will be addressed at the event "Open science as a field of action for scientific institutions." Movements such as the DEAL project of the Alliance of German Science Organizations or Plan S of cOAlition S have demonstrated the expandability and necessity of open science infrastructures in Germany. Now the question arises as to how the German scientific landscape can actively shape open science in global science.
As part of a project seminar led by Heinz Pampel, Professor of Information Management at the ECDF and HU Berlin, students of library and information science dealt with this question and organized the event.
Three speakers from different institutions in the German scientific landscape will be invited to discuss the different approaches of libraries and research institutes to open science in a national context. The aim is to network and exchange ideas between members in scientific institutions and current open science initiatives. Institution-specific problems and possibilities for implementing open science will also be presented and discussed.
Einstein Center Digital Future
Conference hall on 1st floor
Wilhelmstraße 67
10117 Berlin
The event will be held in German. Registration is possible //here.
Further information is available on the institution's //website.