
Bits & Bäume Policy Lab


The European Union's AI Act has been passed and must now be implemented in its member states. In a "Bits and Bäume Policy Lab" we want to reflect on this important regulation for systems with so-called “artificial intelligence” from a sustainability perspective and discuss its political implementation in Germany: To what extent does the new AI regulation address sustainability aspects? What is needed for its implementation and how can it be designed? Is there potential for improvement or sharpening? 


16:30: Arrival of attendees

17:00: Welcome and introduction – AI and Sustainability  

17:30: Reflection on regulation from the perspective of Bits & Bäume (15 min input & 15 min Q&A)

18:00: Legal basis for the implementation of the AI act (15 min input & 15 min Q&A) 

18:30: Panel discussion - How can we use national implementation to provide impetus for the sustainable design of AI-based systems?

19:30: Wrap-up


Date and Time:

10th September 2024 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.



Einstein Center Digital Future
Conference room, 1. floor
Wilhelmstraße 67
10117 Berlin